Saturday, July 18, 2020

Pro DNS and BIND


The Domain Name System (DNS) is the system created to map domainnames to IP addresses, and is largely responsible for the widespreadpopularity of the Internet due to the convenience it offers incalling system resources by an easily recognizable name rather than acryptic number. Given the critical nature of this technology forensuring smooth operation of Internet-based resources such as Web andmail servers, it's imperative that users fully understand keyconfiguration, management and security principles. Pro DNS and BINDguides readers through the often challenging array of featuressurrounding DNS with a special focus on the World's most diffuseDNS implementation, BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain). Readerswill learn not only about key DNS concepts, but also how toeffectively install, configure, deploy and manage BIND in enterpriseenvironments.

Author(s): Ron Aitchison

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